virgo visual artistry
body painting
for private and corporate events
body painting services
full body, partial, & torso
We made our mark in the food, beverage and entertainment industries with our Award Winning All Female Airbrush Body Painting Team in Vancouver. We started working with all the top liquor companies. We incorporated their company logos into smartly designed torso painting (waist to shoulders and back) for their shooter crews. Sometimes we would be hired to body paint arms which is considered partial painting, and sometimes we would create a full body canvas that incorporated the companies full story and branding.
high-end event
We SHINE at High End events. Honestly they are our favorites because of the level of creativity that we get to express in the design process is off the chain. We work closely with the event producer and marketing directors to create the absolute perfect look for the body painting. All colors and design elements are elevated to SHINE at their events.
design, casting, & coordination
The Design process and inspiration for the body painting can be from a look book, several photos, or even a copy of the event invite. With over 30 years experience in the Fashion industry we have great connections to supply you with top models and talent perfectly suited to your event. For shows involving more than 2 models and 1 painter a co-ordinator will be on hand to make sure things are running smoothly and in line with your event timeline.


press & radio

how we work
The design process can come from a look book, several photos, or even a copy of the event invite. We use all these to create the design concept for the client. When the final body painting design is chosen we can estimate quite quickly how long it will take us to achieve the look. Some will be 10 mins, most are 1.5 hours, full body is 4-5 hrs usually.
A budget will then be prepared that covers the body painting, the models, all materials required, anything the event producer or marketing director needs, and if any costume design is needed.
With over 30 years experience in the fashion industry we have great connections to supply you with top models and talent perfectly suited to your event.
For shows involving more than 2 models and 1 body painter a co-ordinator will be on hand to make sure things are running smoothly and on the timeline the event planner has set forth.
What you can expect on the day. We arrive at least 30 mins early to set our body paint stations. Our paint station can be in a well lit room with ventilation or open window and access to power close by for our air compressors for our airbrushes.
Before anything is done, the area is fully tarped and taped securely to the floor. Reference photos of design work and stencils are all cut & ready to go.
Everything has been sterilized, cleaned and prepped the night before and the artist paint kit is fully loaded with everything they’ll need on hand for that particular body paint work. All paint is specifically made for body painting and is water based so it washes right off in the shower.
Depending on the design body painting can take anywhere from 20 mins for a small area to 4-5 hrs for a full body concept design.
Hair and makeup is usually done before hand but we can arrange to have a makeup and hair artist on hand if a certain look is required.
Costuming and headpieces can be designed and created then added at the end to complete the final amazing look for a smashing success.
It goes without saying that you definitely want photos of the process of body painting and the painting itself showcased at your event. We can arrange this in many different ways. We have taken photos during the process of the body painting from beginning to end, capturing how the whole look comes together.
This can also be captured by a professional photographer in studio as we did when we created our Avatar Engagement Party Photoshoot.
We can take the body painting experience to the next level by shooting the whole process on video as well.
All aspects of what you would like to create and capture for the moment is discussed and put together in a professional proposal for your consideration.
A few past clients

Happy Clients

James Steck – Celebrities Nightclub

“I really appreciate all your hard work, as always you are incredible. I LOVE working with you! You’re the best!”
Will Fong – Editor & Events Producer OpenRoad Auto Group
OpenRoad Driver Magazine

Bill R. – Legal Counsel
Custom Design – Private 60th Party

Kenneth Hamlin – Telus Director Community Affairs